1 | 1,031 | 968 | formtastic_i18n | I18n translation for the formtastic gem |
2 | 14,594 | 7,957 | cells-hamlit | Hamlit integration for Cells |
3 | 25,618 | 40,303 | simple_parameter_store | Simple abstraction of AWS SSM Parameter Store. |
4 | 31,500 | 103,630 | capistrano_rails_console | Open a rails console the first app server. |
5 | 51,430 | 103,630 | capistrano_ssh | Open a ssh connection to one of the app servers. |
6 | 53,179 | 21,433 | firmenwissen | Ruby client for the FirmenWissen API |
7 | 54,519 | 40,303 | sun-times | Module which calculates sunrise and sunset times. |
8 | 61,360 | 103,630 | cells-mailer | Provides mail functionality for the Cells gem |
9 | 63,725 | 40,303 | v2a-deploy | Capistrano Setup that is used by http://www.v2a.net |
10 | 64,001 | 103,630 | compeon-access_token | Helper for handling COMPEON AccessToken's |
11 | 66,973 | 25,255 | elasticsearch-paramedic-rack | A gemed version of elasticsearch-paramedic with Rack support. |
12 | 71,724 | 103,630 | active_admin_pagination | Provides a pagination 'per page' interface for ActiveAdmin. It renders a sidebar sectio... |
13 | 100,703 | 103,630 | mongo_on_rails | Mongo Railtie Logging Adapter |
14 | 108,790 | 40,303 | zipcode-de | Query city information by zip code. |
15 | 109,578 | 40,303 | zipcode-at | Query city information by zip code. |
16 | 109,702 | 28,098 | simpleidn-email | This gem allows easy conversion from punycode ACE email addresses to unicode UTF-8 emai... |
17 | 109,777 | 40,303 | zipcode-ch | Query city information by zip code. |
18 | 111,530 | 103,630 | permanent_not_found | Tiny little Rack middleware to answer a configured set of path's with a HTTP 404. |
19 | 118,643 | 103,630 | capistrano_mongo | Provides some capistrano recipes for MonogoDB |
20 | 136,294 | 32,148 | dig-block | Block support for Ruby's dig method. |
21 | 145,480 | 40,303 | pry-plusplus | pry-doc + pry-docmore + pry-byebug + pry-stack_explorer + pry-rescue + bond + jist |