1 | 45,022 | 76,031 | munin-plugins-rails | Plugins for Munin that use passenger and RLA |
2 | 45,690 | 45,533 | shellter | A library to help with command line launching |
3 | 60,633 | 76,031 | virtualbox-guestcontrol | Runs stuff inside of a VirtualBox VM |
4 | 66,618 | 76,031 | temper | A gem for a slightly smarter temporary file and temporary directory maintenance |
5 | 99,567 | 76,031 | weinre-rails | A Rails 3 helper for Weinre |
6 | 120,198 | 56,059 | capistrano-monit | Monit deployment helper |
7 | 127,956 | 45,533 | chiropractor | A helpful collection of tools to help your Backbone |
8 | 129,847 | 76,031 | rack-healthz | A health Endpoint |
9 | 133,486 | 76,031 | remoteable | Remoteable AJAX content helper |
10 | 133,639 | 76,031 | icloud-reader | Get your CalDAV and CardDAV urls from iCloud |
11 | 134,714 | 76,031 | paperclip-migrator | A gem that helps migrate paperclips to a different layout |