Mlanett's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,2054,834mlanett-redis-lockPessimistic locking using Redis
220,30176,031rspec-redis_helperHelper for RSpec tests which use Redis
378,73376,031active_support-dependencies_patchBased on code at
485,56976,031mlanett-i18n-jsIt's a small library to provide the Rails I18n translations on the Javascript.
587,18376,031mlanett-daemonsDaemons provides an easy way to wrap existing ruby scripts (for example a self-written ...
688,74276,031time_limitsApply timeouts to methods via meta programming
789,27635,654collectiveManage a collection of worker processes
891,87676,031mlanett-hiveManage a collection of worker processes
9131,48276,031uniloggerUnified logger that writes to a log file, redis queue, mongo collection, and hoptoad.
10131,92476,031redis_resque_initializerRedisResqueInitializer.initialize_redis_and_resque( ::Rails.root.to_s, ::Rails.env.to_s )
11132,81576,031mongo_trailTrack audit trails in MongoDB
12149,51276,031screwSmall classes to help bolt together a threaded application.