Adambird's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,0904,563cronofySDK for Cronofy - the Scheduling Platform for Business
210,87028,637omniauth-cronofyOmniAuth strategy for authenticating with Cronofy
312,9777,747entity_storeEvent sourced entity store with a replaceable body
453,10535,669evenitronRuby client for Evenitron with hooks for delayed_job and resque
562,38640,625hatchet-airbrakeHatchet appender for posting errors to airbrake
667,963102,580notificonGem for tracking and managing application notifications
780,10157,074broutesUtilities for parsing and creating geo route files
887,96847,447chart_mogulGem for working with the ChartMogul API
996,20672,252garmin-fitPublished as a gem by [email protected]
10101,926102,580scheduliconGem for recurring events