Xord's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,00425,341reflexionThis library helps you to develop interactive graphical user interface.
221,34724,114rubysketchA game engine based on the Processing API.
321,97647,391raysThis library helps you to develop graphics application with OpenGL.
422,03170,382rucyThis library helps you to develop Ruby Extension by C++.
525,22217,541xotThis library include some useful utility classes and functions for development with C++.
632,40710,661beepsSynthesize and play beep sounds.
765,80050,424spacyA text editor runs on Ruby and uses SPACE as a trigger key for every action.
871,73941,687processingCreative Coding Framework has API compatible to Processing or p5.js.
9173,859103,205rubysketch-solitaireSolitaire game made with RubySketch.