Mr_sourcerer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,74012,857botyBoty is intendted to be a framework for construction of automa...
237,992102,580arfyArfy is just a snippet: some rake tasks and environment configuration to allow you use ...
345,642102,580yasargThe goal of this gem is to facilitates the use of Active Record in non Rails projec...
466,315102,580optioningAn easy way to retrieve, store, filter and deprecate `options` passed to a method. Wher...
568,95557,074dotenv-daemon_kitAutoload dotenv in a DaemonKit application.
669,355102,580rubaiSimple local http server for your local dirs
773,24047,447gemustaCreates an executable to help you generate your gemspec based on an erb template
876,02047,447hashingProvides an easy way to specify which instances vars of your objects should be used as ...
977,36247,447monster_remoteThis gem allow you publish your jekyll static site via FTP, easy as pie.
1078,642102,580tick_tackerFrom time to time, the timer notifies the subscribers
1198,771102,580skulletYou don't have look for the dir structure, the basic spec files, a basic .rmvrc file an...
12105,11540,625campaA tiny lispey type of thing for learning purposes.
13106,117102,580serventProvides a pure Ruby client implementation for Server-Sent Events as specified ...
14128,45872,252gnarus_activityCreate external exercises by mounting this plugin.
15128,69657,074monsterOMG! Things generator for Jekyll blogs! :D
16130,108102,580sendleA file system watcher to send new files to your kindle
17131,413102,580piRitubapiRituba é nois
18134,583102,580ruspea_langA full featured lisp to be used as a Ruby Library (written in Ruby)
19134,627102,580sequelinhaA tool to facilitates the use of rails like config/database.yml and db/migrate/ directo...
20139,70757,074distortionerThe reference implementation for the book.
21157,72572,252markdaverRuns a local server so you can edit and local (auto) save markdown documents.
22164,23072,252chateaA Ruby chat application suitable to be embedded in you existent rack application.
23164,53572,252confingA thread safe settings solution that uses an ERB enabled YAML file.
24165,32872,252clingUses the nice ruby's optparse as a scaffolding to a easy to use command line toolkit.
25165,74572,252liningShow information about the number of lines in your Ruby classes.
26166,52272,252foreman-consoleWhen working on various branches in the same project, you may want to relaunch (kill an...
27173,286102,580regaxpTOY Regular Expression Engine in Pure Ruby