Pjk's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,28841,082abbeyPrimitive JSON data store. Key-value structure with namespaces.
246,023121,991herbertHerbert makes development of JSON REST API servers ridiculously simple. It provides a s...
358,08638,011dblpbibAutomatically create bibliographies for BibTeX DBLP references. This utility is meant t...
466,853121,991libcborCBOR (Concise Binary Object Representation) implementation based on the libcbor C libra...
567,19254,433spark_rbRuby "port" of Zach Holman's Spark. For the sake of Rubygems packaging & better integra...
6103,32154,433zvv-cliCLI for Swiss public transport network