Nosolosoftware's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,83534,216mongoid-denormalizeHelper module for denormalizing relations attributes in Mongoid models
217,392103,205mongoid-filterableEasy way to add scopes to your models.
319,29347,391rubocop-nosolosoftwareDefault Rubocop configuration used in NoSoloSoftware developments
421,78480,006mongoid-simple-userstampsSimple way to add user stamps to your models.
524,041103,205mongoid-normalize-stringsNormalize fields of type string in your Mongoid models.
628,41930,407active_record_filterableEasy way to add scopes to your models.
737,118103,205runnableConvert a executable command in a Ruby-like class you are able to start, define params ...
858,01150,424azure_jwt_authEasy way for Ruby applications to authenticate to Azure B2C/AD in order to access prote...
970,09480,006validates_spanish_documentsAdd common validations.
1071,38956,038rails_sql_counterAllows to control how many queries are launched between two points
1171,423103,205mensarioThis gem allow us to send, check status and destroy sms using the Mensario service api
1277,588103,205porteoSend all messages that you want in any protocol, its ready to send mail messages, twitt...
1383,19270,382videojoinerThis gem contains modules to create a single video file using a set of videos as input,...
1485,014103,205json_representationsCreates representations of your model data in a simple and clean way
15167,11880,006faker_spanish_documentsA simple faker to generate spanish documents as DNI, NIE or CIF