Pboling's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1183203oauth2A Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol built with a similar style to the original OA...
2276371oauthOAuth Core Ruby implementation
3901257version_gemVersions are good. Versions are cool. Versions will win.
41,012283snaky_hashA Hashie::Mash joint to make #snakelife better
52,1511,727dynamoidDynamoid is an ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB that supports offline development, association...
62,5661,499oauth-ttyOAuth 1.0 TTY Command Line Interface
73,1947,618gem_benchEnforce Gemfile version constraints Regex search across all installed gem's source code...
83,3792,519flag_shih_tzuBit fields for ActiveRecord: This gem lets you use a single integer column in an Active...
93,8423,990sanitize_emailEmail Condom for your Ruby Server. In Rails, Sinatra, et al, or simply the mail gem: Ai...
103,9884,819omniauth-identityTraditional username/password based authentication system for OmniAuth
114,4234,860seed_migrationRails gem for Data Migrations
127,1988,793cacheable_flashAllows caching of pages with flash messages by rendering flash messages from a cookie u...
137,8909,748stackable_flashAllows flashes to stack intelligently, while preserving existing behavior of the Rails ...
148,9368,304resque-lonely_jobEnsures that for a given queue, only one worker is working on a job at any given time. ...
1512,70513,118csv_pirateCsvPirate is the easy way to create a CSV of essentially anything in Ruby, in full pira...
1613,25512,832rspec-stubbed_envStub environment variables in a scoped context for testing stub_env( 'AWS_REGION' => ...
1713,56469,238rack-insightDebugging toolbar for Rack applications implemented as middleware. Based on logical...
1815,29116,703activerecord-tablefreeActiveRecord Tablefree Models provides a simple mixin for creating models that are not ...
1916,13416,703capistrano_mailerCapistrano Deployment Email Notification. Keep the whole team informed of each release!
2016,35051,580super_exception_notifierAllows customization of: * Specify which level of notification you would like with an a...
2119,43113,264debug_loggingUnobtrusive debug logging for Ruby. NO LITTERING. Automatically log selected methods a...
2220,37314,439silent_streamActiveSupport Kernel Reporting Detritus with a few enhancements
2321,04169,238remitAn API for using the Amazon Flexible Payment Service (FPS).
2421,13219,037rubocop-ltsConfigure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby code
2521,65112,710resque-unique_at_runtimeEnsures that for a given queue, only one worker is working on a job at any given time. ...
2624,56312,066resque-unique_in_queueA resque plugin that ensures job uniqueness at enqueue time.
2725,90016,002activerecord-transactionableGetting transactions right is hard, and this gem makes it easier.
2827,04514,660rspec-pending_forMark specs pending or skipped for specific Ruby engine (e.g. MRI or JRuby) / version co...
2927,67912,194anonymous_active_recordReplacement for broken Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base)
3027,88351,580require_benchRuby app loading slowly, or never? Discover bootstrapping issues in Ruby by logging/ben...
3129,80733,989rspec-block_is_expectedsubject { Integer(nil) }; it('raises') { block_is_expected.to raise_error(TypeError) }
3230,70919,708resque-unique_by_arityConfigure resque-unique_in_queue and resque-unique_at_runtime uniqueness by arity of pe...
3331,41969,238rack-toolbarProvides an easy way to create Rack Middleware that injects things into the response bo...
3432,67320,457archivist-clientarchivist-client queries archive.org for book data and downloads some things.
3535,35569,238qfillAdvanced Queue Transformation
3648,02369,238shiftableMove single records (has_one) or collections (has_many) from one parent (belongs_to) to...
3749,77624,775celluloid-io-pg-listenerAsynchronously LISTEN for Postgresql NOTIFY messages with payloads and Do Something
3857,49028,333destination_errorsUseful when a presenter deals with multiple objects that may enter into error states, a...
3957,52069,238rubocop-ruby3_1Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 3.1 code
4057,54426,468rubocop-ruby2_7Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.7 code
4161,29769,238rails_env_local"development" is not always the best name for the local environment. An alternate env...
4266,77569,238each_in_batchesBatch Processing of Records with Blocks in Rails
4371,34569,238status_tagProvides content_tag_for method signature to create customizable and logic-gated labels...
4471,94669,238rubocop-ruby2_1Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.1 code
4574,41451,580pretty_feedPrettyFeed provides a modulizer you can include in a job, worker, class, rake task, etc...
4676,51143,643awesome_searchOrganize complicated search results
4777,24343,643letter_groupOrganize data results from raw sql queries (as with PGresult, or Dossier) intelligently.
4883,23669,238dry_viewsProvides extensions to ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper: content_for_with_default, no...
4985,58651,580service_actor-promptableTTY Prompt plugin for your service objects for your application logic
5093,52969,238rubocop-ruby3_0Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 3.0 code
5193,81233,989standard-rubocop-ltsExtended Standard Ruby Configs for Finely Aged Rubies; Compatible with rubocop-lts
5296,95069,238rubocop-ruby2_4Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.4 code
5397,90469,238rubocop-ruby2_6Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.6 code
5499,00851,580rubocop-ruby2_3Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.3 code
55101,84051,580rubocop-ruby2_2Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.2 code
56102,43869,238rubocop-ruby1_9Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 1.9 code
57103,20369,238humorous_log_formatterHumorous Log Levels and Color For Rails. Customizable!
58103,85743,643month-serializerSerialize Month objects to Integer
59105,47469,238rubocop-ruby2_0Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.0 code
60117,26169,238gitmoji-regexA regular expression matching Gitmoji (a subset of Unicode Emoji) symbols
61119,64669,238rubocop-ruby2_5Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 2.5 code
62122,77243,643controller_validatorUse the familiar ActiveModel::Errors pattern for controller validations
63124,46351,580include_with_respectFind out if your Module include/extend hooks are misbehaving!
64145,67169,238sequential_fileCreate Files Named Sequentially Intelligently
65154,00969,238react-rails-benchmark_rendererConcern::Instrumentation Plugin for React::Rails Render Benchmarking with a reference i...
66155,50269,238strict_statesSafely access state machine states with guarantee that there are no typos. Compatible ...
67161,29843,643rubocop-ruby3_2Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 3.2 code
68161,33769,238simple_column-scopesDynamic modules which define dynamic methods for scopes based on a dynamic array of col...
69162,02569,238undrive_google🏴 Liberate files from your Google Drive with transformations
70167,91043,643kettle-soup-coverA Covered Kettle of Test Coverage SOUP (Software of Unknown Provenance) Four-line Simpl...
71171,58469,238rubocop-ruby1_8Configure RuboCop + a bevy of friends to gradually lint Ruby 1.8 code
72179,45969,238json_schemer-fuzzFuzz generator for json_schemer
73179,75569,238omniauth-jwt2An OmniAuth strategy to accept JWT-based single sign-on.
74180,26469,238spyke-connection_lambdaDynamic Spyke API connection plugin for the Enterprise Cloud