Andreaseger's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,88412,214rubocop_runnerThis gem provides means of running rubocop including auto-correct on all files which ...
224,25532,343rt_rubocop_defaultsrubocop defaults used at runtastic
327,24856,274request_handlershared base for request_handler using dry-* gems
428,23856,274receptacleprovides functionality for the repository or strategy pattern
537,73356,274redis_storageProvides a data backend for a Redis in Rails, will also provide a Rails 3 Generator
785,46756,274svm_helperShared helper classes for usage in context of SVM at experteer
8112,22956,274newrelic_logger_extensionextend a Logger instance to send warnings, errors and info to newrelic as custom metric
9142,61756,274jrb-libsvmJRuby language bindings for libsvm