1 | 22,051 | 76,031 | rbraspag | rbraspag gem to use Braspag gateway |
2 | 50,474 | 76,031 | simple_schema | Simple schema validator for Ruby |
3 | 52,558 | 76,031 | spbus | Easily retrieve information about São Paulo bus routes |
4 | 58,767 | 76,031 | multitenancy_tools | A collection of tools for multitenant Ruby/Rails apps |
5 | 74,529 | 76,031 | git_bumper | A CLI utility to bump git tags. |
6 | 76,730 | 40,711 | enumerated_attr | A very simple enumeration gem |
7 | 83,414 | 76,031 | rails_templated_urls | Provides templated URLs for Rails apps |
8 | 84,051 | 76,031 | opensips-pi | OpenSIPS provisioning interface for Ruby. |
9 | 84,899 | 76,031 | opensips-pi-rest | Opensips::Pi Restful API |
10 | 90,173 | 76,031 | shard_handler | A simple sharding solution for Rails applications |
11 | 113,909 | 45,533 | extra_validations | Provides some extra validations for ActiveModel. |
12 | 116,777 | 76,031 | poro_properties | Allows you to define properties on Ruby classes. |
13 | 116,842 | 76,031 | pg_copy | A wrapper for PostgreSQL's COPY command |
14 | 122,781 | 76,031 | mina-teams | Teams web hook from mina |
15 | 129,350 | 76,031 | lmteste | A simple hello world gem |
16 | 157,062 | 76,031 | rails_export_routes | Tool to export Rails routes to CSV |