Lenon's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
122,05176,031rbraspagrbraspag gem to use Braspag gateway
250,47476,031simple_schemaSimple schema validator for Ruby
352,55876,031spbusEasily retrieve information about São Paulo bus routes
458,76776,031multitenancy_toolsA collection of tools for multitenant Ruby/Rails apps
574,52976,031git_bumperA CLI utility to bump git tags.
676,73040,711enumerated_attrA very simple enumeration gem
783,41476,031rails_templated_urlsProvides templated URLs for Rails apps
884,05176,031opensips-piOpenSIPS provisioning interface for Ruby.
984,89976,031opensips-pi-restOpensips::Pi Restful API
1090,17376,031shard_handlerA simple sharding solution for Rails applications
11113,90945,533extra_validationsProvides some extra validations for ActiveModel.
12116,77776,031poro_propertiesAllows you to define properties on Ruby classes.
13116,84276,031pg_copyA wrapper for PostgreSQL's COPY command
14122,78176,031mina-teamsTeams web hook from mina
15129,35076,031lmtesteA simple hello world gem
16157,06276,031rails_export_routesTool to export Rails routes to CSV