Mattsolt's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
153,860132,035url_parserExtended URI capabilities built on top of Addressable::URI. Extract, parse, unescape, n...
263,414132,035leggyRuby wrapper for the 80Legs API.
372,80721,119genabilityRuby client for the Genability power pricing and related APIs - learn more at https://d...
498,055132,035omniauth-tendrilTendril OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth. Learn more and sign up at...
5109,32837,537criterionCriterion is a small, simple library for searching Ruby arrays and collections with a c...
6154,666132,035wisper_interactorExtend Interactor ( with PubSub capabiliti...
7177,351132,035exploreExplore all website metadata.