Nerian's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,7811,968bootstrap-datepicker-railsA date picker for Twitter Bootstrap
23,3414,349bootstrap-wysihtml5-railsA wysiwyg text editor for Bootstrap
37,5827,193bootstrap-typeahead-railsThe official Typeahead plugin for Twitter Bootstrap
413,14176,031akephalos2Headless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara
533,86045,533uboost-clientuBoost ruby client
637,78518,694credlyruby client for the Credly API
744,2456,506simple-interactorsInteractors for Ruby on Rails applications
857,46630,156jquery-hanamiThis gem provides jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver for your Hanami application.
979,22976,031simple_gemsetGenerator for simple and agile .rvmrc files
1079,51776,031wordcramA wrapper for the WordCram java library
1181,81640,711bundler-prehistoricBundler manages an application's dependencies through its entire life, across many mach...
1283,55156,059bloodchaliceYou and your friends will be vampires. Each turn you will be able to move, fight, drink...
1398,71276,031pugnacious_juicesIt is a clone of Liquid Wars.
14112,64476,031redis2-namespacedA Ruby client that tries to match Redis2' API one-to-one, while still providing an ...
15112,66756,059footable-railsPlugin for unobstrusive tables
16118,26976,031jquery-lotusThis gem provides jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver for your Lotus application.
17176,20356,059bootstrap-select2-railsSelect2 and Bootstrap 5 theme packaged as a Rails engine