1 | 8,328 | 13,031 | knjrbfw | Including stuff for HTTP, SSH and much more. |
2 | 8,986 | 13,582 | string-cases | Small gem for converting various string-cases to other cases. |
3 | 9,059 | 91,437 | string-to-bool | "to_bool" for the String-class in Ruby. |
4 | 10,047 | 37,467 | awesome_translations | Semi-automatic maintenance of most translations in a Rails app. |
5 | 10,065 | 12,541 | http2 | A lightweight framework for doing http-connections in Ruby. Supports cookies, keep-aliv... |
6 | 10,210 | 14,275 | bootstrap_builders | A library to generate Bootstrap HTML for Rails. |
7 | 10,268 | 10,806 | simple_form_ransack | Makes it easy to use SimpleForm::FormBuilder with Ransack without constantly having to ... |
8 | 11,070 | 14,275 | baza | A database abstraction layer, model framework and database framework. |
9 | 11,447 | 14,275 | html_gen | A small framework for generating HTML. |
10 | 12,257 | 14,275 | datet | A framework for handeling date- and time-related stuff in Ruby. |
11 | 12,311 | 11,298 | active_record_query_fixer | A library for automatically added `.select` on a column used for `.distinct` or automat... |
12 | 12,428 | 7,947 | ftools | Various file-tools for Ruby, that I want to share with others |
13 | 13,764 | 37,467 | validates_iban | IBAN validator for ActiveRecord attributes. |
14 | 13,853 | 14,679 | service_pattern | ServicePattern for Ruby on Rails. |
15 | 14,206 | 50,918 | openall_time_applet | Off-line time-tracking for OpenAll with syncing when online. |
16 | 14,517 | 13,582 | wref | Lightweight weak reference and weak hash that works in 1.9 and JRuby. |
17 | 14,824 | 13,902 | baza_models | ActiveRecord like models for the Baza database framework |
18 | 15,228 | 13,902 | active-record-transactioner | Queue up calls to specific models and execute them in transactions, after a certain num... |
19 | 16,198 | 13,902 | array_enumerator | Enumerator abstraction layer that emulates certain array functionality (methods like em... |
20 | 16,281 | 50,918 | genderize_io_rb | A small Gem that makes it possible to determine gender from a name via the Genderize.io... |
21 | 17,013 | 13,902 | auto_autoloader | Autoload constants in natural subfolders from the original class in Ruby with a single ... |
22 | 17,283 | 16,356 | safe_constantize | A library that implements a level of security for the ActiveSupport Inflector "constant... |
23 | 18,595 | 91,437 | hayabusa | A threadded web/app-server that focuses on threadding, shared ressources, speed and more. |
24 | 18,598 | 14,275 | counter_cache_update | Scans all your models and updates all counter caches with optimised SQL. |
25 | 19,078 | 12,158 | knjappserver | Which supports a lot of undocumented stuff. |
26 | 20,272 | 14,275 | tsafe | Proxy-objects for making another object threadsafe by proxying calls through mutex and ... |
27 | 20,690 | 91,437 | peak_flow_utils | Utilities to be used with PeakFlow. |
28 | 20,812 | 14,275 | simple_delegate | A simple library to delegate methods to instance variables |
29 | 20,931 | 14,275 | ransack_predicate_cont_any_word | 'cont_any_word' predicate for Ransack. |
30 | 21,684 | 13,582 | baza_migrations | Migrations support for the Baza database framework in Ruby. |
31 | 21,956 | 13,902 | event_handler | Helper class for events implementation in other frameworks in Ruby |
32 | 22,612 | 13,902 | active_record_better_dependent_error_messages | A gem that makes better dependent error messages telling exactly which relationship tre... |
33 | 22,842 | 91,437 | gettext_simple_rails | Inspects models and other modules to easily generate .po-files and translate them with ... |
34 | 22,859 | 91,437 | jobler | Generate pages or files in the background |
35 | 23,130 | 14,275 | tretry | A library for doing retries in Ruby with timeouts, analysis of errors, waits between tr... |
36 | 23,208 | 14,275 | best_practice_project | A bundle of various linters and code inspection tools |
37 | 23,986 | 7,034 | spring-commands-rails_server | The Rails server command for Spring |
38 | 26,081 | 14,275 | ruby_process | A framework for spawning and communicating with other Ruby-processes |
39 | 26,240 | 91,437 | rails_imager | Automatic resizing, bordering and more of images. |
40 | 26,489 | 50,918 | apsis-on-steroids | A Ruby API for the Apsis mail service. |
41 | 26,518 | 14,275 | php4r | A lib containing various PHP-functions coded in Ruby. You can either use it or use it a... |
42 | 26,543 | 14,679 | windows_csv | A framework to write Windows CSV files. |
43 | 28,263 | 13,582 | globalize_current_translation | A gem that helps create a `current_translation` relationship which is the translation i... |
44 | 28,498 | 50,918 | acts_as_customized_attributes | Key-based custom attributes that can be created on the fly for ActiveRecord models. |
45 | 29,058 | 14,275 | string-strtr | The method 'strtr' for Ruby known from PHP as a direct method under the String-class. |
46 | 30,710 | 50,918 | active-record-without-callbacks | A method that allows you to run code without callbacks for a specific active-record model. |
47 | 31,345 | 14,679 | csv_lazy | A small CSV lib that skips whitespace-format-bugs and more. |
48 | 33,369 | 91,437 | php_process | Spawns a PHP process and proxies calls to it, making it possible to proxy objects and m... |
49 | 33,902 | 91,437 | gettext_simple | A very simple version of Gettext reading .po files directly. |
50 | 34,267 | 18,898 | liquid_queries | ActiveRecord read queries in Liquid templates |
51 | 35,369 | 14,679 | model_updates | Rails gem to push updates to models into the frontend through ActionCable |
52 | 35,963 | 15,703 | gtk3assist | A class for making it easier to develop Gtk3 based applications with the 'gir_ffi-gtk'-... |
53 | 36,370 | 50,918 | active-record-data-tables | Helping functionality for filtering, sorting and stuff like that with data-tables and A... |
54 | 37,360 | 91,437 | pulseaudio | Ruby-library for controlling PulseAudio via 'pactl'. |
55 | 38,055 | 9,317 | money-fixer-io | fixer.io support for money |
56 | 40,291 | 91,437 | light_mobile | Lightweight UI for mobile Rails apps. |
57 | 42,326 | 37,467 | chatty | Making it easy to set it up a live chat on your website. |
58 | 42,357 | 30,828 | simple_cells | An attempt at writing a very simple cells gem. |
59 | 45,565 | 91,437 | dynamic_menus | Various helpers to create dynamic menus in Rails. |
60 | 46,745 | 14,275 | agent_helpers | Inspects the user agent for you and allows you to take action based on the users browse... |
61 | 48,149 | 91,437 | family_gallery | A picture gallery supporting tagging, groups and much more. |
62 | 48,637 | 23,720 | haya_select_helpers | RSpec helpers for HayaSelect. |
63 | 49,967 | 91,437 | gtk2_window_settings | A class for remembering window-settings using the gtk2-extension for Ruby. |
64 | 50,160 | 50,918 | amount_formatter | Amount formatting for Ruby. |
65 | 52,416 | 91,437 | validates_unique_values_on_association | Validate if an association has unique values on a specific attribute. |
66 | 57,095 | 91,437 | gtk2_treeview_settings | A gem that helps with ordering of columns and more. |
67 | 58,592 | 50,918 | args-handler | A small library to generate HTML for wished arguments form hashes. |
68 | 60,928 | 91,437 | plugin_migrator | Migration of plugins DB migrations easily. |
69 | 61,947 | 14,679 | worker_plugins | Rails framework for easily choosing and creating lists of objects and execute plugins a... |
70 | 62,474 | 50,918 | active-record-streamer | Stream ActiveRecord results |
71 | 64,171 | 13,902 | active_record_auto_validations | Scans ActiveRecord models and adds automatic validations based on null, max length etc. |
72 | 64,821 | 91,437 | paper_trail_changes | A gem to do various stuff with PaperTrail versions. |
73 | 67,870 | 91,437 | gtk2_expander_settings | A library for remembering expander-settings using a database for the gtk2-extension in ... |
74 | 67,897 | 91,437 | tpool | A thread-pool for Ruby that supports joining, status-checking, stopping jobs and more. |
75 | 68,596 | 91,437 | translatable_menus | Easy to set up translatable menus in Rails with ActiveAdmin, Devise, Globalize and a co... |
76 | 69,319 | 91,437 | ruby_do | A clone of Gnome-Do and Kupfer written in Ruby. |
77 | 70,861 | 91,437 | stripe_model_callbacks | Framework for getting Stripe webhook callbacks directly to your models |
78 | 81,693 | 91,437 | thread_queues | Do thread-related work with BlockingQueue and BufferedQueue in Ruby. |
79 | 81,987 | 91,437 | threadded_enumerator | Enumerator using thread to avoid fiber-bugs. |
80 | 82,658 | 91,437 | ruby_do_plugin_filesearch | A plugin for Ruby-Do that allows searching for and executing files. |
81 | 83,936 | 91,437 | epay_tools | Tools to implement the ePay payment gateway |
82 | 84,765 | 50,918 | array_groupings | [1, 2, 4, 5] #~> [[1, 2], [2, 4], [4, 5]] |
83 | 87,857 | 50,918 | autogc | A small library for fixing an urgent memory corruption bug in Ruby 1.9.3. |
84 | 88,021 | 91,437 | test_suite_splitter | Split your RSpec test suite up into several groups and run them in parallel. |
85 | 90,977 | 91,437 | rgettext_poedit | Scanning of source files to generate .po files to work with application like POEdit. |
86 | 94,898 | 50,918 | api_maker | A Rails gem for generating a JavaScript API automatically based on your ActiveRecord mo... |
87 | 95,598 | 91,437 | validates_swift | SWIFT validator for ActiveRecord attributes. |
88 | 95,974 | 37,467 | process_bot | Run and control processes. |
89 | 96,338 | 91,437 | global_options | Easily handle global options for your webpage by using nice pre-made database models. |
90 | 101,616 | 91,437 | github_org_reports | A gem to generate organization reports based on pull requests and commits. |
91 | 101,674 | 91,437 | validates_cvr | ActiveRecord validations for danish CVR numbers |
92 | 102,244 | 91,437 | ruby_do_plugin_execute_application | A plugin for Ruby-Do that executes installed applications. |
93 | 102,898 | 91,437 | skype_lock_logout | A small application which logs out of Skype, when the screen is locked and logs back in... |
94 | 103,395 | 91,437 | string-utf8mb4strip | A library used for removing utf8mb4 stuff from a string. Typically used to remove this ... |
95 | 103,989 | 50,918 | awesome_counter_cache | Counter caching with a bit more for Rails |
96 | 110,111 | 91,437 | rails_jquery_mobile_paginate | Heavily inspired from will_paginate but for jQuery Mobile. |
97 | 113,143 | 91,437 | team_viewer | TeamViewer API for Ruby |
98 | 114,226 | 91,437 | simple_form_strong_parameters | Detecting inputs from simple form, saving them in a session in order to do automatic st... |
99 | 115,100 | 91,437 | validates_no_word_content | ActiveModel validator that ensures Word-tags hasn't been accidentally pasted into WYSIW... |
100 | 115,128 | 91,437 | validates_team_viewer_id | Validates TeamViewer ID for ActiveRecord attributes. |
101 | 118,248 | 14,275 | awesome_backup | Make backups of your stuff in a simple way. |
102 | 118,722 | 91,437 | vat_order_calculator | A library to calculate vat based on order data |
103 | 124,912 | 37,467 | ckeditor4ruby | CKEditor-port for Ruby. |
104 | 127,591 | 91,437 | php-serialize4ruby | Read the original gems description. |
105 | 128,513 | 50,918 | knjdbrevision | Can create/alter tables, columns, indexes and even table rows. Supports callbacks when ... |
106 | 131,127 | 50,918 | google_search_cmdline | A small app for doing Google searches and showing the results on the command line. |
107 | 131,669 | 50,918 | gtk3webtable | An example of how to use WebKit with Ruby's GirFFI Gtk3-extension. |
108 | 134,023 | 50,918 | knjtasks | A longer description will come... |
109 | 134,877 | 91,437 | rails-server | A script for ensuring running of a Rails app and automatic restart in case of crash. |
110 | 136,364 | 91,437 | ruby_do_plugin_power_management_upower | A plugin for Ruby-Do that can log out, suspend, hibernate and shut the computer down. |
111 | 136,430 | 91,437 | superterm | A terminal that focuses on remote control for various events. |
112 | 137,199 | 50,918 | attr_args_shorthand | Helps handle attributes on objects with very few lines of code |
113 | 137,610 | 50,918 | memory_leak_helper | A gem to track memory leaks in Ruby by tracking which stacktraces creates objects that ... |
114 | 144,486 | 14,679 | side_by_side | Run and control processes. |
115 | 153,396 | 91,437 | RubyProcess | A framework for spawning and communicating with other Ruby-processes |
116 | 154,691 | 91,437 | emoji_replace | A library to automatically handle Emoji's without crashing your MySQL database |
117 | 161,056 | 50,918 | api_maker_table | A Rails gem for generating a JavaScript API automatically based on your ActiveRecord mo... |