Gucki's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,1537,625plupload-railsThis gem integrates Plupload 2.1.1 with the Rails asset pipeline.
211,978132,035swfobject-railsThis gem integrates swfobject with the Rails 3.x asset pipeline.
312,37415,099i18n_screwdrivermake translating with rails i18n fun again
422,06337,537assets_boosterInstead of sending down a dozen JavaScript and CSS files full of formatting and comment...
522,56037,537sequel_paperclipSequel plugin which provides Paperclip (attachments, thumbnail resizing, etc.) function...
623,42037,537sexy_validationsModule which provides sexy validations for models.
732,83937,537sequel_sexy_validationsSequel plugin which provides sexy validations for model.
835,16437,537sequel_rails3This gem allows you to easily use sequel instead of activerecord with rails 3.x.x
935,53025,520asset_pipeline_i18nLocalized precompiled assets for Rails
1056,88237,537easy-settingsflexible yet easy handling of application settings
1158,21810,493sequel_bulk_attributesSequel plugin which add mass assign ability for one_to_many associations for model.
1265,48237,537process_managerWrite a longer description. Optional.
1366,025132,035i18n_backend_sequelI18n backend which allows to store/get the translations from a database using a sequel.
1471,47637,537sequel_column_type_arrayHandles the typecasting of array columns so they can be used as any other datatype.
1599,08037,537ceph-rubyEasy management of Ceph
16124,70837,537sequel_mappableSequel plugin which provides geo distance-based filters and distance calculation functi...
17134,757132,035netfilter-rubyAwesome Netfilter management