1 | 5,368 | 9,690 | plupload-rails | This gem integrates Plupload 2.1.1 with the Rails asset pipeline. |
2 | 12,364 | 56,059 | swfobject-rails | This gem integrates swfobject with the Rails 3.x asset pipeline. |
3 | 12,682 | 45,533 | i18n_screwdriver | make translating with rails i18n fun again |
4 | 22,590 | 76,031 | assets_booster | Instead of sending down a dozen JavaScript and CSS files full of formatting and comment... |
5 | 23,095 | 76,031 | sequel_paperclip | Sequel plugin which provides Paperclip (attachments, thumbnail resizing, etc.) function... |
6 | 23,986 | 76,031 | sexy_validations | Module which provides sexy validations for models. |
7 | 33,511 | 76,031 | sequel_sexy_validations | Sequel plugin which provides sexy validations for model. |
8 | 35,911 | 76,031 | sequel_rails3 | This gem allows you to easily use sequel instead of activerecord with rails 3.x.x |
9 | 36,160 | 76,031 | asset_pipeline_i18n | Localized precompiled assets for Rails |
10 | 36,595 | 8,701 | sequel_bulk_attributes | Sequel plugin which add mass assign ability for one_to_many associations for model. |
11 | 55,896 | 23,418 | easy-settings | flexible yet easy handling of application settings |
12 | 64,906 | 76,031 | process_manager | Write a longer description. Optional. |
13 | 66,190 | 40,711 | i18n_backend_sequel | I18n backend which allows to store/get the translations from a database using a sequel. |
14 | 72,684 | 76,031 | sequel_column_type_array | Handles the typecasting of array columns so they can be used as any other datatype. |
15 | 100,093 | 35,654 | ceph-ruby | Easy management of Ceph |
16 | 126,019 | 76,031 | sequel_mappable | Sequel plugin which provides geo distance-based filters and distance calculation functi... |
17 | 136,108 | 76,031 | netfilter-ruby | Awesome Netfilter management |