Gottfrois's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,0517,196link_thumbnailerRuby gem generating thumbnail images from a given URL.
26,5696,794image_infoImageInfo finds the size and type of a single or multiple images from the web by fetchi...
39,2528,857faraday_middleware-circuit_breakerA Faraday Middleware to handle spotty web services.
49,92319,315grape-attackA middleware for Grape to add endpoint-specific throttling.
516,46056,274dashing-railsThe exceptionally handsome dashboard framework for Rails.
628,81756,274grape-knockUse Knock with Grape.
740,38938,928re_captchaGoogle reCaptcha helpers and verifier
858,66138,928rails_event_store_mongoidImplementation of events repository based on Mongoid for Rails Event Store'
969,20556,274minosEasy and repeatable Kubernetes deployment based on Docker images
10114,71038,928dashing-hotnessDashing widget that changes the widget's color depending on the value displayed
11118,51956,274grape-kongUse Kong OAuth2 Authentication with Grape.
12132,16556,274dashing-newrelicDashing-Rails widget that display newrelic metrics
13134,16656,274dashing-semaphoreDashing widget that display build status of project on Semaphore CI
14153,20032,343beezSimple, efficient ruby workers for Zeebe business processes.