Rlister's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,09738,970awfulAWS cmdline and yaml loader.
217,64138,970augerAuger: test-driven ops
319,59738,970staxStax is a flexible set of ruby classes for wrangling your cloudformation stacks.
419,62020,528slackbotsyRuby bot for Slack chat.
525,67738,970slackcatUpload a file to Slack chat
628,29712,018opsgenie-sendMinimalist ruby library to send alerts and heartbeats to Opsgenie.
746,09638,970stax-helmStax is a flexible set of ruby classes for wrangling your cloudformation stacks.
872,43538,970coreos_amiDiscover CoreOS AMIs.
977,30338,970argus-builderDocker image builder for AWS Elastic Container Registry.
1081,03338,970atomics_resourceModel Atomics (MySQL over HTTP) records for ruby and rails projects
1182,60238,970host_rangeAllows specification of hostname ranges such as foo-[01-09].
1286,16738,970capistrano-influxdbCapistrano v3 task for reporting deploys to InfluxDB
13102,63038,970stax-examplesStax example stacks and generators for cloudformation templates.
14104,74638,970resque_cmdlineresque_cmdline: simple command-line client for resque workers
15139,74338,970stax-datadogStax is a flexible set of ruby classes for wrangling your cloudformation stacks.
16160,36938,970congress_apiSimple API wrapper for https://propublica.github.io/congress-api-docs/#congress-api-doc...
18175,54538,970stax-lintStax is a flexible set of ruby classes for cloudformation stacks: stax-lint adds suppor...