Mortonpe's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1655539rubyntlmRuby/NTLM provides message creator and parser for the NTLM authentication.
21,4291,704winrmRuby library for Windows Remote Management
316,770140,090vagrant-windowsWindows Guest Support for Vagrant
427,56841,058html2mdConverts Basic HTML to markdown
531,29937,677logging-remote-syslogRemote syslog appender for Logging
657,252140,090depends-clientA simple dependency manager
765,125100,918winrm-cliA WinRM Command Line Application
869,11456,953tc4rTeamcity Client for Ruby
9118,284140,090chef-syslog-handlerChef handler to send syslog messages
10121,193140,090channelizerA gem that abstracts shell and upload channels