Grobie's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,3423,434quantileGraham Cormode and S. Muthukrishnan's Effective Computation of Biased Quantiles over Da...
22,9404,642lhmMigrate large tables without downtime by copying to a temporary table in chunks. The ol...
320,66135,654simple_circuit_breakerSimple Ruby implementation of the Circuit Breaker design pattern
435,80176,031master_slave_adapter_soundcloud(MySQL) Replication Aware Master/Slave Database Adapter for Rails/ActiveRecord
536,74176,031knife-updateA small collection of knife plugins to ease the process of safely updating chef in a se...
642,76776,031master_slave_adapter(MySQL) Replication Aware Master/Slave Database Adapter for ActiveRecord
754,42376,031large-hadron-migratorMigrate large tables without downtime by copying to a temporary table in chunks. The ol...
855,39776,031knife-scrubCollection of knife plugins to remove orphaned objects from chef-server
980,39056,059soundcloud2000The next generation SoundCloud client
10176,66876,031gigs-rubyGigs API Ruby client - Placeholder