Justincoyne's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,0602,798rsolrRSolr aims to provide a simple and extensible library for working with Solr
23,6644,258mailboxerA Rails engine that allows any model to act as messageable, adding the ability to excha...
34,4405,005blacklightBlacklight is an open source Solr user interface discovery platform. You can use Bl...
45,4165,495rdf-vocabDefines several standard RDF vocabularies
56,0766,112devise-guestsGuest user implementation for devise
66,4568,150solr_wrapperSolr service wrapper
77,2977,948active-triplesActiveTriples provides tools for modeling RDF as discrete resources.
87,6687,666blacklight-galleryGallery display for Blacklight
97,8438,211noidNice Opaque Identifier
108,1678,471openseadragonOpenSeadragon is a javascript library for displaying tiling images. This gem packages t...
118,21413,118engine_cartHelper for testing Rails Engines sanely
128,3817,526blacklight-spotlightEnable librarians, curators, and others who are responsible for digital collections to ...
138,56214,059dor-services-clientA client for dor-services-app
149,1048,572blacklight-access_controlsAccess controls for blacklight-based applications
159,1179,128riiifA IIIF image server
169,4377,157blacklight_range_limitBlacklight Range Limit plugin
179,5037,860blacklight_advanced_searchBlacklight Advanced Search plugin
189,6459,155almond-railsSee: https://github.com/requirejs/almond
199,68411,351fcrepo_wrapperSolr 5 service wrapper
2010,1997,198cocina-modelsSDR data models that can be validated
2110,34415,665midaA Microdata parser and extractor library which includes support for the schema.org voca...
2210,92914,905kaminari_route_prefixUpstream pull request: https://github.com/amatsuda/kaminari/pull/636
2311,34943,643mediashelf-loggableA gem that provides logging capabilities to any class. Relies on Rails logger if it's ...
2411,41417,962sdr-clientThis provides a way to deposit repository objects into the Stanford Digital Repository
2513,60133,989mods_displayMODS Display is a gem to centralize the display logic of MODS metadata.
2614,10312,832dlss-capistranoCapistrano recipes to assist with development, testing, & deployment of SUL/DLSS Ruby p...
2715,39310,431iiif-presentationAPI for working with IIIF Presentation manifests.
2815,88612,428blacklight-marcMARC support for Blacklight
2916,67912,832assembly-objectfileGet exif data, file sizes and more.
3016,72022,243dor-workflow-clientEnables Ruby manipulation of the DOR Workflow Service via its REST API
3118,07917,506blacklight-oembedOembed display for Blacklight
3218,84612,428blacklight-hierarchyAllows delimited Solr facets to become hierarchical trees in Blacklight.
3319,27118,466druid-toolsTools to manipulate DRUID trees and content directories
3421,09538,135dor-rights-authParses rightsMetadata xml into a useable object
3522,86769,238spotlight-dor-resourcesSpotlight resource indexer for DOR resources.
3623,95269,238hydra-file-accessHydra-File-Access is a plugin Rails Engine containing the code for manipulating files i...
3725,83243,643sul_stylesA gem for adding Stanford University Libraries styles to Rails applications
3827,70920,457preservation-clientA Ruby client for the RESTful HTTP APIs provided by the Preservation Catalog API.
3931,45113,264arclightA Blacklight-based environment to support discovery and delivery for archives and speci...
4032,95517,506blacklight_heatmapsSearch and view Blacklight resources on a map.
4133,84217,062blacklight_marcMARC support for Blacklight
4241,16369,238exhibits_solr_confA set of Solr config files and a rake task for testing sul-dlss exhibit and spotlight g...
4341,90219,037blacklight-locale_pickerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
4447,27469,238gdor-indexerPURL doc => Solr hash logic
4549,44619,037blacklight_dynamic_sitemapDynamic sitemap.xml for BLacklight
4653,93743,643global_alertsSUL global alerts as a service
4765,71869,238tcramertcramer writes rake tasks
4866,41018,466dataciteSee https://support.datacite.org/docs/api
4979,10469,238spotlight-resources-iiifSpotlight Resource Indexer for IIIF manifests or collections.
5089,23938,135worthwhile-modelsAn extensible repository data-model with works and and many attached files
5193,48043,643cocupuCocupu is a platform for collecting, curating and publishing your data. This client al...
5297,86243,643blacklight_foldersOrganized bookmarks for Blacklight
5398,00143,643curationexperts-mailboxerA Rails engine that allows any model to act as messageable, adding the ability to excha...
54112,12669,238shingoncoderBacked by ActiveJob and FFMpeg
55131,28051,580active-encodeThis gem serves as the basis for the interface between a Ruby (Rails) application and a...
56134,12169,238solrizer-rabbitSolrize fedora objects using a queue
57136,23769,238hydra_mediatedhydra_mediated is a Rails engine for creating a self-deposit institutional repository
58172,40251,580dor-event-clientA client for event services provided by DOR Services App
59176,72169,238ocflSee https://ocfl.io/
60176,81251,580dlss-capistrano-dockerCapistrano recipes for use in SUL/DLSS projects for docker deployment
61180,14751,580stanford-geoGeo related data for Stanford Libraries