Quadule's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,91615,535colorscoreFinds the dominant colors in an image and scores them against a user-defined palette, u...
225,68938,928timberlineTimberline is a simple and extensible queuing system built in Ruby and backed by Redis....
355,71256,274timberline-railsTimberline is a simple and extensible queuing system built in Ruby and backed by Redis....
463,27225,321activerecord-postgresql-cubeActiveRecord support for the PostgreSQL cube data type.
5157,20356,274recover_itunes_ratingsRestores iTunes ratings from an iTunes library XML file.
6157,49456,274xcodeproj_mergeCopies file references from one Xcode project to another.
7157,74838,928rovi_apiReads music data from the Rovi API.
8175,90514,464html_safe_flashUse html_safe strings naturally in Rails flash messages