Destructuring's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,246-alpha_omegaCommon reciples for persistent capistrano releases
214,337-microwaveA systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...
314,558-RTFMdA simple, Markdown documentation helper with ronn, gollum, and offline-generation support
420,912-tvd-tvdinnerGenerates a tvdinner project
520,996-tvd-runitrunit services
621,467-tvd-vagrantvagrant cookbook and utilities
722,818-alox-jasonjason bourne again shell scripts
823,743-tvd-gittvdinner: tvd-git
926,197-tvd-unicornUnicorn under runit
1026,814-vagrant-shellEnables Vagrant to manage machines using shell scripts
1128,506-tvd-microwavetvdinner: tvd-microwave
1229,743-tvd-sshtvdinner: tvd-ssh
1335,354-aloxshell scripts packaged as rubygems, activated with bundler
1437,358-HeSYINUvSBZfxqA-capistranoCapistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...
1542,709-tvd-bundlertvdinner: tvd-bundler
1643,593-alox-gandalfencrypt plaintext using gpg
1744,440-tvd-alpha_omegatvdinner: tvd-alpha_omega
1852,218-HeSYINUvSBZfxqA-foremanProcess manager for applications with multiple components
1955,851-tvd-gollumGollum unicorn managed by runit
2056,305-rtfmdA simple, Markdown documentation helper with ronn, gollum, and offline-generation support
2156,917-ghpgit home page
2256,931-tnargavVagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.
2357,351-surfaceCombines sinatra apps, boson command libraries, bash settings, from individual gems
2457,598-private_eventGem hosting and indexing, extracted from the repo
2557,751-uuidtooldstypo in aws gem
2660,576-tvdinnerSpork utility, cookbooks for cookbook gems scaffolding, helper functions for chef-solo,...
2762,245-HeSYINUvSBZfxqA-veeweeExpand the 'vagrant box' command to support the creation of base boxes from scratch
2866,687-ghp-layoutsgit home page layouts
2967,105-bosonsonbosonson is a command/task framework with the power to turn any ruby method into a full...
3069,046-tvd-rubygemstvdinner: tvd-rubygems
3170,191-marathonHelps run services in development environments
3279,248-tvd-gemtvdinner: gem development
3379,761-ghp-bootstrapgit home page bootstrap layout
3498,171-homegem to help setup your $HOME
36101,705-tvd-dmgtvdinner: tvd-dmg
37105,247-tvd-awsmeawsme Ubuntu bootstrap for ec2, vagrant
38106,409-tnargav-awsEnables Vagrant to manage machines in EC2 and VPC.
39116,685-HeSYINUvSBZfxqA-capistrano_colorsSimple gem to display colors in capistrano output.
40116,801-HeSYINUvSBZfxqA-capistrano_loglogging callbacks for capistrano
41124,870-boxcarCommand line script framework extracted from Vagrant
42125,945-hubflow`hubflow` is a command line utility which adds GitHub knowledge to `git` combined wit...
43131,907-parseleyParsing library
44137,690-opsdbabstraction about the operation environment