Kunday's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,95710,776cloudformerCloudformation tasks for apply(create/update), delete, recreate on stack along with val...
243,80037,537getting_dumpedthe historical RSpec run formatter
3106,04337,537ruby_packagerRake tasks to create RPM for ruby projects
4114,94137,537pierMeasure rails events easily
5137,72537,537insult_generatorThou surly flap-mouthed measle build!
6152,10437,537pantaloon-cliBuild Jenkins Compatible XML Config files for projects represented in pantaloon build f...
7155,16637,537hodgepodgeInstall and manage your system binaries and system app packages.
8160,788132,035rack_dav_spWebDAV handler for Rack.
9167,404132,035sax-machine-patchedDeclarative SAX Parsing with Nokogiri Patch release
10167,64537,537cloudflare-dynamic-dnsDont rely on shady tools for updating your ip.