Bodacious's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,07214,152blogitAdd a blog to your Rails application in minutes with this mountable Rails Engine
225,51219,712promenadePromenade makes it simple to instrument Ruby apps for prometheus scraping
333,8946,973rubocop-magic_numbersrubocop/magic_numbers implements a rubocop cop for detecting the use of bare numbers wh...
434,85122,635genderizeA helpful class for gender-specific models in Ruby applications. Genderize adds useful ...
534,86938,253flesch_kincaidFlesch Kincaid allows you to parse blocks of text and assess their readability based on...
639,06185,863pingrA simple gem for pinging search engines with your XML sitemap
746,3578,667jiminyWraps around your CI integration to detect and warn about n+1 queries before they're me...
847,03034,713box_of_tricksA collection of CSS classes and Rails helper methods. View the README for more info
947,87785,863orthodoxReplaces Rails generators with generators specific to my preferred workflow'
1058,87585,863rubocop-dmp_roadmapDMP Roadmap Rubocop style guide checks
1183,25985,863motion-generatorsGenerate view controllers and views from the CLI
1284,01585,863kirigamiCut down your assets/images to a web-friendly sizes
1396,42585,863motion-splash_generatorSimple gem that adds a rake task to create all of the versions of iOS splash images you...
14106,08760,164affinitydescription coming soon
15110,32242,915daily_logKeep a short, daily log of the work you do within a project repo
16114,70960,164blogit-adminAdd a blog to your Rails application in minutes with this mountableRails Engine
17115,13260,164motion-persistablePersistable attributes for Rubymotion classes
18117,21685,863edoWrite better code–together–by using these reports to make sure the changes you're commi...
19118,97260,164motion-icon_generatorSimple gem that adds a rake task to create all of the versions of iOS icons you'll need...
20119,67929,768cookpad-performanceProvides a set of performance tools for our Rails apps
21128,76885,863katana_resourceA work in progress, please ignore for now :)
22161,43185,863motion-figaroKeep your application configuration separate from your codebase with this simple, light...
23173,49385,863oughtaAutomatically generate shoulda-rspec tests
24174,24260,164jekyll-archive_linkAdds a link to's wayback machine's latest capture
25179,50649,460crusoeCrusoe is a gem that helps you keep track of your daily work and thoughts in Markdown f...