Dtao's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1182448safe_yamlParse YAML safely
216,69750,030dm-noisy-failuresThis library replaces the default behavior of DataMapper by raising exceptions with des...
348,87939,659nodifierA simple Ruby library for parsing plain text into a node-based structure
474,32580,166smarkySmarky creates structure from Markdown
577,16097,459apiifA gem that exposes an API based on folder structure
685,43597,459rperftA Ruby gem to measure performance and submit results to Perft
797,785110,038cheapskateHTTPS login from a separate domain
8132,712147,217randyRandy makes it that much easier to generate random stuff.
9146,832147,217teenyA tool that lets you make a teeny service by just writing a script