Jwang's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,87420,294ringcentral_sdkA Ruby SDK for the RingCentral Connect Platform API
214,20414,441faraday_middleware-oauth2_refreshThis Faraday middleware gem adds OAuth2 token handling with token refresh
314,93917,897jsondocA base document object
415,63814,969faraday_middleware-request-retryThis Faraday middleware gem adds request retries for 429 and 503 errors
516,06417,594mime_builderHelper library to build MIME parts
625,75076,031sumologicRuby Sumo Logic SDK for the Sumo Logic REST API
732,27576,031base58_gmpHigh speed Base58 encoding using GMP with MD5 support and transcoding between Flickr, B...
837,64856,059versionone_sdkA Ruby SDK for the VersionOne REST API
952,80976,031ringcentral-avatarsCreate RingCentral avatars using Gmail-style avatars
1065,33876,031lita-zendeskA Zendesk handler for Lita.
1167,36876,031salesforce_fsdbFilesystem cache manager for Salesforce sObjects and SOQL results
1272,36376,031motion-aiA Ruby SDK for the Motion AI API
1373,06076,031lita-glipA Glip adapter for Lita.
1475,01976,031medium_sdkA Ruby SDK for the Medium.com API with OAuth 2 support and Swagger spec
1575,26476,031invoracleA simple generic inventory system for managing computer systems.
1677,88376,031salesforce_cacheFilesystem cache manager for Salesforce sObjects and SOQL results
1779,81676,031glip_sdkA Ruby SDK for the Glip collaboration solution (https://glip.com)
1885,72840,711elastiradA RAD (Rapid Application Development) Elasticsearch client
1985,80176,031glip-posterA Ruby SDK to post messages via Glip webhooks
2089,16476,031lita-ringcentralA RingCentral SMS adapter for Lita.
2197,81476,031axlsx_radEfficiently create styled spreadsheets using JsonDoc::Document objects
22106,54376,031lita_dotenvA Lita .env config loader.
23106,73676,031lita-inspirebotA Lita handler for inspirational quotes.
24109,31576,031ringcentral-rssConvert RingCentral Message Store Results to RSS
25118,99876,031voicebaseHelper library to transcribe audio
26163,66976,031lita-motionaiA Lita handler for Motion AI