Bguest's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,8496,977virtus_convertConvert deeply nested Virtus or other objects that respond to attributes to hashes and ...
29,38523,568saneitizedConverts ruby values from strings to fixnums, floats, times, true and false values if i...
324,86213,729rest_areaRestArea adds a restfull controller and api to any Rails Application, simply add the ge...
430,64335,575voterableHackish implementaiton of voting on of voteable objects by a voter
580,28017,833plazaRest client for that works in conjuntion with rest_area gem
683,28612,174tblrInitialize a Tblr::Table with headers and rows, do things with the table
798,89760,926soundcloud-plusmakes calling soundcloud api simpler from ruby
8106,65780,006dht_sensorRuby C extension to access temperature and humidity reading taken by the DHT-XX type se...