Mtchavez's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,5733,795circleciRuby gem for Circle CI REST API
25,2106,073iterable-api-clientRuby gem for the Iterable REST API
316,48045,533al_papiWraps AuthorityLabs Partner API calls in a gem.
419,29314,969sekretoManage AWS Secrets from Ruby
525,84976,031autocopAutolist ruby style guide for rubocop
660,10076,031rb_raven_apiWraps RavenTools API calls in a gem.
767,24376,031wordstream_clientWraps Wordstream API calls in a gem.
8128,67156,059fu_nilAllows the ruby nil to be used in math operators. Allows the amazing division of zero.
9172,05356,059brazeInteract with the Braze REST API