Villainous's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
126,52245,181ampereAn ActiveRecord/Mongoid-esque object model for the Redis key/value data store.
251,05863,356the_gamblerReally common tasks in programs that use playing cards are a pain to implement. Thi...
369,75997,459rsokobanA Sokoban clone written in Ruby using the ncurses library.
495,81680,166evryA super-simple command for running other commands periodically, at set intervals.
5112,314110,038split_videoSplit video files without transcoding them using FFmpeg
6124,748147,217chuckUse this gem to retrieve jokes from the Internet Chuck Norris Database, with a variety ...
7139,602147,217tablifyUse Tablify to make prettier tabulated output in the console.
8140,273110,038hotbitsRuby interface to the Hotbits random number generation service.