Mzpi's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,01335,638atigAtig.rb is Twitter Irc Gateway.
232,61427,493hparserHatena Syntax parser for Ruby
369,32574,122cocoapods-app_groupBecause app group is strong bound to AppleID, it is hard to distribute iOS project usin...
477,37163,356mistilteinnMistilteinn is a command to support a development with git and redmine.
5113,572110,038prpr-slackPublish prpr message to slack.
6113,837110,038prprPrpr is pull requests' reaction bot framework. It is extended by gems.
7114,888110,038prpr-mention_commentWhen some comment containing mention is posted, the comment request is post to chat ser...
8116,152110,038prpr-review_labelWhen some pull request is labeled, the pull request is notified to chat service.
10143,634147,217prpr-trelloWhen PR status changed, move trello card
11152,431147,217prpr-checklistWhen new pull request is created, the content of is posted as comment.
12153,287147,217prpr-conflict_labelWhen some commits is pushed, add 'conflict' label to unmergeable pull request.
13154,336147,217ruboty-growthforecastRuboty plugin for growthforecast
14154,839147,217prpr-gemfilePost annotate comment to major/minor version changing at `Gemfile.lock` of pull request.
15161,068147,217prpr-lgtmWhen someone says LGTM, add LGTM label
16161,765147,217prpr-mergedThis plugin broadcast merged pull request url