Brandonweiss's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,3197,787faraday-request-timerIncludes the request time in a Faraday response
24,68549,253intercom-rubocopA base RuboCop configuration for use on all Intercom Ruby projects.
317,69112,376collectorAn implementation of the Repository Pattern for MongoDB.
418,42924,203rack-minitestrack-minitest = rack-test + Minitest
568,22976,031railyardGenerate Rails skeletons without having to globally install Rails and its bajillion dep...
696,55676,031redcarpet-abbreviationsAn extension for Redcarpet that supports abbreviations.
7122,08845,533chinstrapManually building out the skeleton for larger, well-organized Sinatra apps sucks. There...
8124,34056,059buoyancyA Ruby gem for getting data from the NDBC (National Data Buoy Center)
9147,72176,031hold_pleaseRaises an exception if an ActiveRecord callback is used. Won't interfere with usage fro...
10163,81676,031git-hookshotShare git hooks in Ruby projects among all the collaborators automatically, without the...