Geoffharcourt's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,0287,923parityDevelopment/staging/production parity makes it easier for those who write the code ...
210,79617,450paul_reverePaul Revere provides a model and helper methods to do one-off style announcements.
335,90827,493greenmonsterGreenmonster downloads XML data so that you can locally work with Gameday data for sabe...
463,67263,356salsa_labsA Ruby binding for the Salsa Labs ( API.
578,16332,305commonlit-clever-rubyThe Clever API
688,07180,166flatstrap-railsFlatstrap CSS for Rails 3.1 asset pipeline
7102,821110,038sydneyA Treetop parser for alias files
8112,165147,217active_model_lint-rspecProvides the ActiveModel::Lint::Tests for test-unit or minitest an RSpec shared example.
9114,021110,038backbone_editable-railsbackbone_editable via asset pipeline
10115,59180,166moneyballMoneyball parses Gameday play-by-play descriptions and extracts usable data from plain ...
11120,782147,217batemanA gem for retrieving a webpage's Twitter Card
12127,88551,505commonlit-mandrill-apiA Ruby API library for the Mandrill email as a service platform.
13129,71151,505commonlit-caracalCaracal is a pure Ruby Microsoft Word generation library that produces professional qua...
14131,36251,505commonlit-librato-metricsAn easy to use ruby wrapper for Librato's Metrics API
15154,523147,217rickeyRickey uses the same API that powers MLB's team pages to (politely) request information...
16159,41397,459hacking_mass_scorekeeperFind the relative standings of a subset of the HACKING MASS field.
17159,549147,217cbs_fantasy_sports_api_token_fetcherCBS Sports' (now deprecated, but still available) v3 Fantasy Sports API has lots of use...
18164,79651,505commonlit-devise-two-factorBarebones two-factor authentication with Devise
19178,126110,038sinatra-rack-3-commonlitSinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort.