Lisinge's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,8062,087valid_email2ActiveModel validation for email. Including MX lookup and disposable email blacklist
218,38721,036resque-kubernetes-probesKubernetes probes for resque
329,09714,890sidekiq-kubernetes-probesKubernetes probes for sidekiq
434,34034,688httpi-adapter-typhoeusAn adapter for HTTPI that uses Typhoeus
539,159133,523devflowCLI for creating branches in a TP workflow
6106,24478,413pry-byebyebugAliases `debugger` and `byebug` to `binding.pry`
7139,93132,459rails_database_awaitAwait readiness of database, when using Google Cloud SQL Auth Proxy for example.