1 | 12,122 | 11,214 | colorable | A simple color handler which provide a conversion between colorname, RGB, HSB and HEX |
2 | 13,493 | 33,042 | gviz | Ruby's interface of graphviz |
3 | 25,302 | 9,825 | emot | Yet another emoji handler. |
4 | 28,333 | 21,671 | flippy | Fippy makes a text upside down, like "twitter" to "ɹəʇʇᴉʍʇ". |
5 | 31,421 | 56,059 | maliq | Maliq is a markdown, liquid converter for EPUB's xhtml. |
6 | 36,549 | 76,031 | let_it_fall | Let it snow or something in the mac terminal. |
7 | 36,858 | 76,031 | gh-diff | Take diffs between local and a github repository files. |
8 | 41,618 | 76,031 | togglate | Create base text for translation, in which original is togglable |
9 | 46,922 | 28,629 | dir_friend | `DirFriend` is a tool for generating a DOT file which represent file directories. |
10 | 52,746 | 24,203 | colcolor | Easily colorize terminal text by each column. |
11 | 55,263 | 76,031 | hateda2md | Convert Hatena-Diary XML file to Markdown files for Jekyll |
12 | 67,716 | 26,648 | ctoD | Export CSV data to database |
13 | 68,006 | 76,031 | mygegegems | Report download numbers of you gems. |
14 | 70,961 | 76,031 | yampla | Build List & Item pages from YAML data with a template engine |
15 | 82,568 | 76,031 | gsub_filter | Build gsub chain filter |
16 | 85,828 | 40,711 | digi_moji | 5x7 digital color words on your terminal. |
17 | 85,936 | 76,031 | hatebu_entry | HatebuEntry is a tool for retrieving and handling Hatena Bookmark entry lists written i... |
18 | 92,862 | 76,031 | tildoc | Add String#~ for removing leading margins of heredocs. |
19 | 101,795 | 76,031 | bestgems | Ruby wrapper for the BestGems.org API |
20 | 142,547 | 76,031 | itunes_track | Object wrapper of iTunes music tracks |
21 | 142,857 | 76,031 | money_exchange | Just another currency converter |
22 | 143,487 | 76,031 | sinatra_websocket_template | Generate a skeleton of WebSocket application with Ruby(Sinatra) |
23 | 144,301 | 76,031 | matreska | Matreska is for building adaptable multi-filter, which is inspired by Rack. |