1 | 1,070 | 308 | view_component | A framework for building reusable, testable & encapsulated view components in Ruby on R... |
2 | 1,681 | 1,855 | twitter_cldr | Ruby implementation of the ICU (International Components for Unicode) that uses the Com... |
3 | 1,691 | 1,879 | cldr-plurals-runtime-rb | Ruby runtime methods for CLDR plural rules (see camertron/cldr-plurals). |
4 | 1,699 | 1,885 | camertron-eprun | Efficient pure Ruby Unicode normalization. |
5 | 2,637 | 2,604 | arel-helpers | Useful tools to help construct database queries with ActiveRecord and Arel. |
6 | 4,625 | 3,410 | turbo-sprockets-rails4 | Speed up asset precompliation by compiling assets in parallel. |
7 | 6,599 | 9,705 | generated-assets | Programmatically generate assets for the Rails asset pipeline. |
8 | 6,830 | 13,128 | i18n-js-assets | Compile your Javascript translations using the asset pipeline instead of rake tasks. |
9 | 8,641 | 5,023 | turbo-sprockets-rails5 | Speed up asset precompliation by compiling assets in parallel. |
10 | 9,644 | 9,782 | primer_view_components | ViewComponents for the Primer Design System |
11 | 14,454 | 38,928 | txgh | A library for syncing translation resources between Github and Transifex. |
12 | 15,240 | 56,274 | prebundler | Gem dependency prebuilder |
13 | 15,783 | 11,627 | kubectl-rb | The kubectl binary executable packaged and distributed as a Rubygem. |
14 | 16,603 | 11,773 | ruby-cldr | Ruby library for exporting and using data from CLDR, see http://cldr.unicode.org |
15 | 17,528 | 13,914 | kuby-core | Deploy your Rails app onto Kubernetes the easy way. |
16 | 17,718 | 10,224 | helm-rb | Helm distributed as a Rubygem. |
17 | 18,023 | 56,274 | rails-middleware-extensions | Adds several additional operations useful for customizing your Rails middleware stack. |
18 | 19,506 | 19,315 | net-smtp-proxy | Proxy support for Ruby's Net::SMTP library. |
19 | 20,629 | 56,274 | json-write-stream | An easy, streaming way to generate JSON. |
20 | 20,951 | 56,274 | simple-graph | A simple, no-frills graph implementation. |
21 | 21,382 | 13,644 | abroad | A set of parsers and serializers for dealing with localization file formats. |
22 | 22,325 | 38,928 | twitter_cldr_js | Provides date, time, number, and list formatting functionality for various Twitter-supp... |
23 | 24,137 | 13,914 | kube-dsl | A Ruby DSL for defining Kubernetes resources. |
24 | 25,110 | 56,274 | gelauto | Automatically annotate your code with Sorbet type definitions. |
25 | 25,616 | 13,914 | docker-remote | A Ruby client for communicating with the Docker registry API v2. |
26 | 25,928 | 13,914 | kubernetes-cli | Ruby wrapper around the Kubernetes CLI. |
27 | 28,064 | 56,274 | txgh-server | An HTTP server for interacting with txgh. |
28 | 29,029 | 13,914 | kuby-cert-manager | Kuby plugin for automatically generating TLS certificates. |
29 | 29,362 | 13,914 | helm-cli | Ruby wrapper around the Helm CLI. |
30 | 29,684 | 13,914 | kind-rb | The kind binary executable packaged and distributed as a Rubygem. |
31 | 32,156 | 13,914 | kuby-kind | Kind provider for Kuby. |
32 | 32,264 | 56,274 | txbr | A library for syncing translation resources between Braze and Transifex. |
33 | 34,834 | 15,151 | antlr4-native | Create a Ruby native extension from any ANTLR4 grammar. |
34 | 36,437 | 13,914 | kuby-crdb | CockroachDB plugin for Kuby. |
35 | 38,484 | 56,274 | txdb | An automation tool for translating database content with Transifex. |
36 | 38,782 | 38,928 | jvectormap-rails | jVectorMap for the Rails asset pipeline |
37 | 39,697 | 56,274 | kuby-digitalocean | DigitalOcean provider for Kuby. |
38 | 40,138 | 56,274 | txgh-queue | Queue worker for processing Txgh webhooks. |
39 | 41,702 | 38,928 | esprima | Ruby wrapper around the Esprima static code analyzer for JavaScript. |
40 | 42,251 | 13,914 | kuby-azure | Azure provider for Kuby. |
41 | 42,404 | 56,274 | yaml-write-stream | An easy, streaming way to generate YAML. |
42 | 44,056 | 56,274 | kuby-kube-db | KubeDB plugin for Kuby. |
43 | 48,133 | 56,274 | rosette-client | Git command integration for the Rosette internationalization platform that manages the ... |
44 | 53,646 | 20,415 | any2tmx | A command-line tool to convert certain file types to the standard TMX format for transl... |
45 | 56,640 | 56,274 | kuby-redis | Redis plugin for Kuby. |
46 | 57,249 | 56,274 | cldr-plurals | Tokenizes and parses CLDR plural rules and provides a mechanism for emitting them as so... |
47 | 59,619 | 56,274 | cskit | Christian Science citation library for Ruby. |
48 | 60,339 | 56,274 | xml-write-stream | An easy, streaming way to generate XML. |
49 | 61,199 | 56,274 | kuby-sidekiq | Sidekiq plugin for Kuby. |
50 | 65,313 | 56,274 | fssh | Easily ssh into remote Amazon EC2 hosts by name. |
51 | 67,594 | 56,274 | grape-client-generator | Automatically generate clients for your Grape APIs. |
52 | 68,165 | 56,274 | cskit-shkts | Science and Health resources for CSKit. |
53 | 69,058 | 56,274 | escodegen | Ruby wrapper around the escodegen JavaScript generator that generates ECMA script from ... |
54 | 69,624 | 56,274 | mosaico | The Mosaico email editor on Rails. |
55 | 76,223 | 12,051 | css-rewrite | Rewrite URLs in your 3rd-party CSS files using the asset pipeline. |
56 | 77,429 | 56,274 | rux | A jsx-inspired way to write view components. |
57 | 78,479 | 28,457 | binascii | A Ruby version of Python's binascii module |
58 | 79,943 | 56,274 | cldr-plurals-runtime-js | Javascript runtime methods for CLDR plural rules (see camertron/cldr-plurals). |
59 | 80,670 | 56,274 | repo-fixture | Build and package up git repositories as test fixtures. |
60 | 86,754 | 56,274 | cskit-strongs | Strong's Concordance resources for CSKit. |
61 | 86,909 | 56,274 | rux-rails | Rux view components on Rails. |
62 | 88,402 | 56,274 | kuby-linode | Linode provider for Kuby. |
63 | 92,924 | 56,274 | tmp-repo | Creates and manages a git repository in the operating system's temporary directory. Use... |
64 | 93,370 | 56,274 | cskit-biblekjv | Bible resources for CSKit, King James Version. |
65 | 94,292 | 56,274 | range-set | An efficient set implementation that treats runs of sequential elements as ranges. |
66 | 97,211 | 56,274 | tmx-parser | Parser for the Translation Memory eXchange (.tmx) file format. |
67 | 103,379 | 56,274 | kuby-eks | Amazon EKS provider for Kuby. |
68 | 107,443 | 56,274 | aws-iam-authenticator-rb | AWS IAM Authenticator distributed as a Rubygem. |
69 | 110,436 | 56,274 | code-pages | A database of legacy Microsoft and ISO 8859 code pages for Ruby. |
70 | 119,715 | 56,274 | ohey | A rewrite of the platform detection logic in ohai, but with fewer dependencies and 100%... |
71 | 122,895 | 56,274 | curdle | Programmatically remove Sorbet type annotations from Ruby code. |
72 | 125,647 | 56,274 | camertron-moar-lolspeak | Shameless copy of CPAN module Acme::LOLCAT, modified for release by @camertron. |
73 | 127,676 | 56,274 | nfs-rb | An NFS v2 server implemented in pure Ruby. |
74 | 127,676 | 56,274 | gke-auth-plugin-rb | The gke-auth-plugin executable by @traviswt distributed as a Rubygem. |
75 | 133,909 | 28,457 | antlr-gemerator | Generate a complete Rubygem from any ANTLR4 grammar. |
76 | 136,112 | 56,274 | camertron-option | Ruby port of Scala's Option Monad |
77 | 137,646 | 56,274 | camertron-rails-assets-codemirror | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
78 | 139,785 | 56,274 | ohm-stateful-model | Integrate state machines (from the state_machine gem) into your Ohm models. |
79 | 140,744 | 56,274 | rtl-string | Easier string manipulation for people who come from LTR backgrounds. |
80 | 141,694 | 56,274 | garnet | A placeholder until I come up with a better use for the namespace. |
81 | 141,831 | 56,274 | commonjs-rhino | CommonJS support for Rhino, in Ruby. |
82 | 142,078 | 56,274 | trie-file | Memory-efficient cached trie and trie storage. |
83 | 143,355 | 56,274 | progress-reporters | Callback-oriented way to report the progress of a task. |
84 | 145,827 | 56,274 | rosette-core | Core classes for the Rosette internationalization platform. |
85 | 150,151 | 56,274 | pilcrow | Automatically inserts non-with spaces between words in text from STDIN |
86 | 151,263 | 56,274 | expert | Manage and install jar dependencies (an alternative to jbundler). |
87 | 156,377 | 38,928 | yaml2tmx | A command-line tool to convert Rails locale-specific yaml files to the standard TMX for... |
88 | 159,189 | 38,928 | absolver | Allows setting the cause of Ruby exceptions. |
89 | 163,546 | 56,274 | laminate | Turn any Ruby module into a composable decorator. |
90 | 170,406 | 56,274 | python3-parser | A Python 3 parser for Ruby. |
91 | 172,108 | 38,928 | onload | A preprocessor system for Ruby. |
92 | 172,331 | 56,274 | kuby-prebundler | Use Prebundler to install your bundle when building Docker images with Kuby. |
93 | 172,518 | 56,274 | erb2rux | Automatically convert .html.erb files into .rux files. |
94 | 173,776 | 56,274 | kuby-memcached | Memcached plugin for Kuby. |
95 | 180,105 | 56,274 | kuby-gke | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) provider for Kuby. |
96 | 180,617 | 56,274 | transfigure | An experimental Ruby native extension that allows changing an object's class at runtime. |