Intrepidd's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,9803,441working_hoursA modern ruby gem allowing to do time calculation with working hours.
24,9607,792rails-footnotesEvery Rails page has footnotes that gives information about your application and links ...
319,8419,530hubspot-api-rubyhubspot-api-ruby is a wrapper for the HubSpot REST API
420,95129,644rails-canhazA simple gem for managing permissions between rails models
522,78852,727bootstrap_file_input_railsA gem for the bootstrap plugin : bootstrap-file-input
637,7909,801premailer-rails-revivedThis gem brings you the power of the premailer gem to Rails withou...
739,70597,459easy_key_valueA simple gem that allows active record models to contain a key / value store for config...
871,992110,038activemodel_errors_typeAllows to get errors type from an activemodel class, as a symbol, prior to the translation
974,74452,727mongoid_countercacheA simple counter cache implemented for mongoid, with neat additions such as lambda eval...
10101,81452,375action_mailer_stopCall 'stop!' from an ActionMailer class to abort the delivery of your email
11103,50880,166mark_as_readAllows to easily track when an e-mail has been opened
12119,30980,166flag-css-railsGemify the SVG flags from
13124,307147,217rainbowvis_railsBringing rainbowvis to the rails asset pipeline
14138,558110,038mongoid-canhazA simple mongoid extention that allows any application using mongoid to manage permissi...
15171,010147,217subdelayerSmall utility to add a delay to a SRT subtitle file
17179,048110,038yamlfishEasily manage your translations with yamlfish