Malmckay's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,9133,465zookeeperA low-level multi-Ruby wrapper around the ZooKeeper API bindings. For a friendlier inte...
23,0194,493zkA high-level wrapper around the zookeeper driver
3176,70091,437elasticgraph-supportElasticGraph gem providing support utilities to the other ElasticGraph gems.
4176,99826,546elasticgraph-graphqlThe ElasticGraph GraphQL query engine.
5177,00891,437elasticgraph-localProvides support for developing and running ElasticGraph applications locally.
6177,17250,918elasticgraph-opensearchWraps the OpenSearch client for use by ElasticGraph.
7177,23150,918elasticgraph-indexerElasticGraph gem that provides APIs to robustly index data into a datastore.
8177,32023,720elasticgraph-rackElasticGraph gem for serving an ElasticGraph GraphQL endpoint using rack.
9177,37450,918elasticgraph-lambda_supportElasticGraph gem that supports running ElasticGraph using AWS Lambda.
10177,48137,467elasticgraphElasticGraph meta-gem that pulls in all the core ElasticGraph gems.
11177,50191,437elasticgraph-indexer_autoscaler_lambdaElasticGraph gem that monitors OpenSearch CPU utilization to autoscale indexer lambda c...
12177,56950,918elasticgraph-health_checkAn ElasticGraph extension that provides a health check for high availability deployments.
13177,61091,437elasticgraph-graphql_lambdaElasticGraph gem that wraps elasticgraph-graphql in an AWS Lambda.
14177,61591,437elasticgraph-indexer_lambdaProvides an AWS Lambda interface for an elasticgraph API
15177,66620,168elasticgraph-admin_lambdaElasticGraph gem that wraps elasticgraph-admin in an AWS Lambda.