Eyeshield21's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12961,747eyeProcess monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God. Requires Ruby(MRI) >= 1.9.3...
23091,708kostya-sigarSystem Information Gatherer And Reporter
314,06412,434pg_csvFast Ruby PG csv export. Uses pg function 'copy to csv'. Effective on millions rows.
414,87385,863eye-rotateRotate logs for eye gem
530,10626,173bin_scriptGem for easy writing and executing scripts in Rails Application. For my purposes much b...
630,37221,758ruby-appRuby micro framework for easy create ruby applications (daemons, EventMachine-apps, db-...
738,85585,863joberSimple background jobs, queues.
843,30460,164em-nodesSimple abstraction on top of EventMachine for easy create clients, servers, workers, ...
945,64985,863resque-kawaiSyntax sugar for Resque consumers. Each consumer is a class, with clean interface, and ...
1046,39627,806reel-eyeProcess monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God. Requires Ruby(MRI) >= 1.9.3-p1...
1146,57338,253eye-httpHttp interface for the Eye gem.
1251,75585,863nagios_helperGem for writing, testing, executing nagios checks inside Rails application. Checks runn...
1357,07985,863encoding-kawaiEncodingKawai - little sintax sugar for ruby force_encoding, also working on 1.8.7.
1458,75585,863pg_reconnectActiveRecord PostgreSQL auto-reconnection, works with 2.3 and 3.2 rails.
1560,68442,915idn_ffiLibIdn FFI ruby binding
1660,70560,164pg_reindexConsole utility for gracefully rebuild indexes/pkeys for PostgreSQL, with minimal locki...
1766,20485,863pgqQueues system for AR/Rails based on PgQ Skytools for PostgreSQL, like Resque on Redis. ...
1871,06942,915confuddleUtility for work with unfuddle.com account from console
1977,50285,863kostya-bluepillBluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...
2081,70385,863forkingSimple processes forking, and restarting. Master process starts as daemon.
2185,42085,863ruby-app-arRubyApp extension, adds ActiveRecord support
2294,97285,863sigar-testSystem Information Gatherer And Reporter
2399,93485,863pgq_webWeb interface for pgq gem. Inspect pgq and londiste queues
24120,51285,863marshal64Marshal + Base64 coder. Usefull for serialize data to db.
25122,36385,863nagios_rails_serverAsync server for gem nagios_helper, based on rack,thin and async-sinatra. Runned with r...
26132,34685,863sidekiq-kawaiSyntax sugar for Sidekiq workers. Each consumer is a class, with clean interface, and c...
27145,21185,863msgpack_protocolMsgpack protocol for eventmachine
28156,57985,863sidekiq-marshalMarshal encoder for sidekiq. Enables when required.
29177,43485,863tkrzw-unofficialDBM (Database Manager) is a concept of libraries to store an associative array on a per...