Aaronpk's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,29627,657webmentionA Ruby gem for sending and verifying Webmention notifications.
259,39137,523jsonatraJSON API extension for Sinatra
381,663103,205curlyA wrapper for curl which pretty-prints JSON output
482,873103,205jawbone-upA client for the Jawbone UP service, as discovered by http://eric-blue.com/projects/up-...
589,478103,205omniauth-indieauthAn OmniAuth strategy to allow you to authenticate using IndieAuth.com.
698,339103,205mw-ircA simple client for sending text to a MediaWiki RecentChanges IRC bot
7106,069103,205omniauth-arcgisArcGIS Online adapter for OmniAuth.