Substantial's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,39135,638cap-strapBootstrap a machine. Install packages, create a deploy user, upload authorized keys and...
241,19050,030sous-chefManage knife-solo nodes
350,58050,030startlingscript for startling a story
468,36980,166saucierA Capistrano Extension that uses librarian and chef-solo to track your project cookbook...
569,90952,727google-api-middle_manSimplify the Google API using a service account
676,67597,459caption_paperclip_processorAdd captions to images
778,76663,356browser_stack_buttonBrowserStack makes it really easy to test with different browsers, but this makes it ev...
885,08480,166magic_date_parserParses a string representation of a date range and returns a start and end date.
985,09680,166startling_trelloStartling Trello integration
1085,74663,356knife_sousKnife plugin for managing knife-solo nodes
1186,14080,166startling_pivotalStartling Pivotal Integration
12105,996110,038wemux-pairFirewall punching remote pairing with wemux made easy
13113,448110,038guard-simple_shellA guard that runs a shell command once, even when there are multiple file changes
14128,500110,038flowdock-build-notifierNotifies Flowdock about builds.
15165,256147,217substantial-sunspot_railsSunspot::Rails is an extension to the Sunspot library for Solr search. Sunspot::Rai...