Bbatsov's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16844rubocopRuboCop is a Ruby code style checking and code formatting tool. It aims to enforce the ...
212251rubocop-astRuboCop's Node and NodePattern classes.
3213154rubocop-performanceA collection of RuboCop cops to check for performance optimizations in Ruby code.
4218159rubocop-railsAutomatic Rails code style checking tool. A RuboCop extension focused on enforcing Rail...
53351,447powerpackA few useful extensions to core Ruby classes.
61,5251,413rubocop-minitestAutomatic Minitest code style checking tool. A RuboCop extension focused on enforcing M...
71,5751,110rubocop-rakeA RuboCop plugin for Rake
81,6171,566guard-rubocopGuard::RuboCop automatically checks Ruby code style with RuboCop when files are modified.
94,0302,379rubocop-sequelCode style checking for Sequel
105,4615,500webpack-assetsWebpack Assets for Rails.
116,0784,029rubocop-rubycwIntegrate RuboCop and ruby -cw
1266,69643,643rubocop-extension-generatorA generator of RuboCop's custom cops gem