Medlefsen's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
126,35519,389alkiAlki (AL-kai) is a Dependency Injection framework for Ruby. Helps organize and scale yo...
248,59941,979alki-dslLibrary for defining and using DSLs
353,70446,623alki-consoleDeveloper console for Alki applications
459,48952,733alki-loaderLibrary for loading non-traditional ruby files
563,54960,424looplessFully creat bootable disk images without loopback mounts or root.
665,26760,424alki-reloadAutomatic reloading of alki projects
774,79170,697alki-railsRails integration for Alki
882,66670,697alki-supportVarious helper methods for Alki
985,27584,840alki-testingBake in simple assumptions about testing to make bootstrapping tests faster.
10138,235105,358tvdb-apiClean Ruby API interface to The TVDB
11143,518168,370girrequireHooks into require to allow directly requiring gobject libraries via GIR files and gir_...
12166,686136,377piahA library for constructing data pipelines.