1 | 26,702 | 108,739 | ducktape | Truly outrageous bindable attributes |
2 | 27,366 | 16,854 | pigment | A rgb color gem, with a list of 750 different colors defined within 869 names. |
3 | 36,043 | 21,830 | roglew | A gem to wrap OpenGL and extensions in an intuitive OO framework. |
4 | 48,339 | 19,610 | opengl-definitions | Parsing OpenGL specs, so you don't have to. Supports up to version 4.6. |
5 | 67,151 | 108,739 | blender-3d | Blender 3d file parser. |
6 | 69,062 | 31,995 | requirium | An autoload alternative |
7 | 173,133 | 108,739 | glmath | Ruby Math Helper for OpenGL |
8 | 175,006 | 49,619 | trinkets | Truly outrageous bootleg facets in your trinkets box. |