Jnraine's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,3695,936icalendar-recurrenceProvides recurrence to icalendar gem.
212,84317,211ten_years_railsA set of handy tools to upgrade your Rails application and keep it up to date
343,31556,059safety_pinAn easy-to-use JCR connector for JRuby
450,43076,031safety-pinAn easy-to-use JCR connector for JRuby
592,56976,031aem_lookoutSpeeds up iteration loop while developing for AEM/CQ.
6106,31445,533ten_years_rails_conf_2018Companion code to Ten Years of Rails Upgrade at RailsConf2018
7123,64776,031vlt_wrapperMakes vlt executable available to Ruby gems.