Ccutrer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,0563,194ims-ltiRuby library for creating IMS LTI tool providers and consumers
24,2136,361gergichGergich is a little command-line tool for wiring up linters to Gerrit so you can get ni...
35,0216,032inst-jobsInstructure-maintained fork of delayed_job
45,1275,331saml2The saml2 library is yet another SAML library for Ruby, with an emphasis on _not_ re-im...
56,0577,989canvas_connectCanvas Connect is an Adobe Connect plugin for the Instructure Canvas LMS. It allows tea...
66,3466,847switchman-inst-jobsSwitchman and Instructure Jobs compatibility gem.
77,2527,440inst-jobs-statsdStats reporting for inst-jobs
88,33012,541rmodbusRModBus - free implementation of protocol ModBus
99,51017,899openhab-scriptingJRuby Helper Libraries for openHAB Scripting
1013,7898,138activerecord-pg-extensionsSeveral extensions to ActiveRecord's PostgreSQLAdapter.
1119,53426,546waterfurnace_auroraLibrary for communication with WaterFurnace Aurora control systems
1226,3218,691rubocop-instShared Rubocop configuration for all Instructure Ruby projects
1333,74126,546balboa_worldwide_appLibrary for communication with Balboa Water Group's WiFi module or RS-485
1440,54250,918somfy_sdnLibrary for communication with Somfy SDN RS-485 motorized shades
1541,0066,608bundler-multilockSupport Multiple Lockfiles
1643,30837,467homie-mqttLibrary for publishing devices that conform to the Homie spec.
1757,85491,437rspec-openhab-scriptingLibrary testing OpenHAB ruby rules with rspec.
1863,49037,467net-telnet-rfc2217Library for getting an IO-like object for a remote serial port
1964,8079,888rack3-brotliRack::Brotli enables Google's Brotli compression on HTTP responses
2075,62491,437solaredgeClient library for talking to the SolarEdge monitoring API
2179,24416,356mqtt-homeassistantLibrary for publishing device auto-discovery configuration for Home Assistant via MQTT.
2285,95291,437the_energy_detectiveClient library for talking to a TED Home Pro
2394,52037,467mqtt-ccutrerPure Ruby gem that implements the MQTT protocol, a lightweight protocol for publish/s...
24106,94691,437purpleairPublish PurpleAir sensor data to mqtt
25107,06050,918awairPublish Awair sensor data to mqtt
26111,11023,720ccutrer-serialportRuby only library that relies on FFI instead of an extension, and inherits from IO
27122,61191,437openhab-jrubyscriptingJRuby Helper Libraries for openHAB Scripting
28128,54550,918rmodbus-ccutrerRModBus - free implementation of protocol ModBus
29138,57391,437rubocop-openhab-scriptingRuboCop cops for openhab-scripting rules
30157,11891,437pigpiodPublish pigpiod access to MQTT
31173,44417,899faraday-oauthUses the simple_oauth library to sign requests according the OAuth protocol.
32174,01050,918intesisboxLibrary for communication with IntesisBox
33177,65191,437ojelectronicsInteract with OJ Electronics/DITRA HEAT floor thermostats via MQTT
34178,05150,918airthingsAirthings Consumer API Ruby Gem