Raglub's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
129,98721,432base_presenterThe gem adds "Presenter" functionality into Rails application.
234,63168,625rspec_gemInvoke the tests rspec from gems in application rails.
337,47723,333appjs-railsThe additional library for javaScript.
451,22968,625nonogramssolve the puzzle game nonograms.
551,88568,625rudekiGem can show where are used methodsi: puts, p. You can locate the bugs
652,91068,625rails_extrasThis gem provides extras methods for Rails application.
759,97820,680smart_csvExtend CSV class. CSV can delete or select some records.
867,64668,625nsudokuThis gem solve puzzle game sudoku (n^2, n^2), for example (3^2, 3^2) = (9, 9)
967,99168,625reloader_gemReload gem when we change content of gem
1086,73768,625sea_battleSea Battle is a guessing game for two players
11105,17468,625ulam_spiralThis gem can generate Ulam spiral and also shows result on console
12130,71168,625mechanize_rspecThis gem should be used when you test Mechanize offline