Pcai's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1344429noriXML to Hash translator
2353446gyokuGyoku translates Ruby Hashes to XML
3413523httpiCommon interface for Ruby's HTTP libraries
4461545wasabiA simple WSDL parser
5478560akamiBuilding Web Service Security
6504544savonHeavy metal SOAP client
77,1757,218savon-multipartAdds multipart support (SOAP with Attachments) to Savon
87,39118,677omniauth-constantcontact2OmniAuth Strategy for Constant Contact using OAuth2
919,92121,758sekkenSekken is an experimental SOAP client for the Ruby community.
1050,56085,863r3_exception_loggerLogs exceptions inside a database table. Now available as gem for Rails3 (previously a ...
1180,11285,863pcai_client_side_validationsClient Side Validations
12120,29685,863omniauth-constantcontactOmniAuth strategy for ConstantContact
13174,96734,713actionpack-flySimple gem that extends Rails `request.remote_ip` to default to Fly's `Fly-Client-IP` h...
14178,02149,460safe_queryHelps developers avoid unsafe queries in ActiveRecord. This gem will raise an error ...