Brianpattison's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,10410,136simple_schedulerSimple Scheduler adds the ability to enhance Heroku Scheduler by using Sidekiq to queue...
218,47511,442codelation-cliCommand line tool for Codelation tasks
319,04414,615dogids-cliCommand line tool for dogIDs tasks
422,20720,294blogelatorBlogelator is an easy way to add a blog to your Rails app.
524,31317,897dokku-installer-cliCommand line tool for Dokku Installer
626,36814,130codelation_assetsA collection of Sass mixins and JavaScript helpers used by Codelation for building awes...
728,56733,042blockyBlocky gives you the ability add editable content blocks to any template with a single ...
829,11445,533active_admin_proA collection of styles and scripts that make Active Admin better.
935,99756,059motion-tickspotMotion Tickspot is a RubyMotion wrapper for accessing the Tick time tracking service us...
1040,17376,031menu-motionMenuMotion is a RubyMotion wrapper inspired by Formotion for creating OS X status bar m...
1145,67724,203billing_cycleBilling Cycle is a gem used to calculate the next billing date for a recurring subscrip...
1249,99776,031motion-locoMotion-Loco is a library for RubyMotion that includes Ember.js inspired ...
1357,43920,868codelation_pagesCodelation Pages automatically registers static pages in `app/views/pages` with dasheri...
1480,74876,031motion-gravatarGenerate Gravatar URLs in RubyMotion
1592,72045,533easy-buttonA nice looking button in RubyMotion
1695,27976,031motionauth-oauth2A RubyMotion wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol built with a similar style to the origi...