Shhavel's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
139,48115,121helpshiftHelpshift API Client
243,111151,891factory_girl_remote_strategyFactoryGirl strategy for ActiveResource models.
365,43457,235take_careSidekiq wrapper for activerecord model
468,555151,891belongs_to_remoteActiveRecord belongs to ActiveResource association (e.g. belongs_to_remote :user). Supp...
582,342151,891chooserProvides short interface for choosing elements from array of structs. Filtering by equa...
684,08065,668typecastype casting of attributes defined in superclass or realized through method_missing. Con...
790,425151,891calcexamSimple training command line application. Increasing your arithmetical ability. If you ...
890,95575,401neomirrorLightweight but flexible gem that allows reflect some of data from relational database ...
995,32765,668jwtgenCLI for generating Json Web Tokens (JWT's). CLI takes multiple key value pairs as input...
10105,07975,401rails_param2Parameter Validation and Type Coercion for Rails
11107,16291,966sumhashProvides summation operation to Hash and OpenStruct. Works with nested structures.
12139,900113,030umruhrenRenames files in specified dir with selected extension with random namesn
13144,542113,030tieableMethod created for creating conditional method chains. Also can be used with block only...