Jnunemaker's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1108114httpartyMakes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.
2121160crackReally simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails.
3665401flipperBeautiful, performant feature flags for Ruby and Rails.
4860502flipper-active_recordActiveRecord feature flag adapter for Flipper
51,023721flipper-active_support_cache_storeActiveSupport::Cache feature flag cache adapter for Flipper
61,0901,195user_agent_parserA simple, comprehensive Ruby gem for parsing user agent strings with the help of Browse...
71,3711,120flipper-uiFeature flag UI for the Flipper gem
81,6021,648flipper-redisRedis feature flag adapter for Flipper
93,6768,451mongo_mapperMongoMapper is a Object-Document Mapper for Ruby and Rails
103,7159,042pluckyThin layer over the ruby driver that allows you to quickly grab hold of your data (pluc...
114,0723,115flipper-apiFeature flag API for the Flipper gem
124,5332,925browA generic background thread worker for shipping events via https to some API backend.
134,7604,920flipper-dalliDalli feature flag cache adapter for Flipper
145,5113,513flipper-mongoMongo feature flag adapter for Flipper
155,71811,042happymapperobject to xml mapping library
166,5839,317nunesThe friendly gem that instruments everything for you, like I would if I could.
176,84210,923jnunemaker-validatableValidatable is a library for adding validations.
187,5876,309flipper-cloud[DEPRECATED] This gem has been merged into the `flipper` gem
1910,51711,426loremSimple gem for generating lorem ipsum from the command line
2011,6268,855flipper-sequelSequel feature flag adapter for Flipper
2112,81430,828adapterA simple interface to anything
2214,05316,356morphineMorphine is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Ruby. It uses a simple Rub...
2315,17491,437toystoreAn object mapper for anything that can read, write and delete data
2415,56713,285jointMongoMapper and GridFS joined in file upload love.
2518,04430,828wandMime-Type gem with fallback to unix file command
2618,12626,546user_agentUser agent parser
2718,1629,262resilienttoolkit for resilient ruby apps
2818,3848,545flipper-rolloutRollout feature flag adapter for Flipper
2919,90130,828canableSimple permissions that I have used on my last several projects so I figured it was tim...
3020,67437,467qua Ruby library for queuing and processing background jobs with configurable backends.
3122,11450,918adapter-mongoAdapter for mongo
3223,86437,467flipper-monetaMoneta feature flag adapter for Flipper
3324,27491,437qu-redisRedis backend for qu
3427,83350,918cassanityLayer of goodness on top of cassandra-cql so you do not have to write CQL strings all o...
3528,07123,720scamReally basic fake model for type-ish stuff
3629,73191,437googlebaseBase class which handles authentication and requests for google services
3731,62937,467adapter-redisAdapter for redis
3832,10726,546binActiveSupport MongoDB Cache store.
3935,06691,437toystore-mongoMongo integration for Toystore
4037,48950,918adapter-cassanityAdapter for Cassanity
4140,89530,828imanipSuper-quick image resizing using the ImageMagick command line tools
4241,33430,828scrobblerwrapper for audioscrobbler (last.fm) web services
4341,87391,437hubstepMakes it easy to trace Sinatra and Ruby apps that use GitHub conventions.
4442,02491,437qu-mongoMongo backend for qu
4544,73291,437mirroredWrapper for delicious and magnolia mirrored apis
4645,92437,467jnunemaker-matchyRSpec-esque matchers for use in Test::Unit
4747,62630,828gemwhoiswhois for gems, because gem names are like domains in the 90's
4849,94537,467adapter-memcachedAdapter for memcached
4958,98737,467huntReally basic search for MongoMapper models.
5061,88450,918snitchMakes tattling on your svn commits to other services simple
5167,94037,467googlereaderWrapper for the undocumented and potentially unstable Google Reader API
5268,07891,437freno-clientfreno-client is a Ruby library that interacts with Freno using HTTP. Freno is a throttl...
5372,07291,437mm-filesFIX (describe your package)
5472,26330,828mm-searchFIX (describe your package)
5574,38550,918columbusAutodiscovers feeds from urls
5679,61750,918flipper-cassanityCassanity adapter for Flipper.
5782,01637,467google-weatherstupid simple fetching of the weather using google's api
5888,07750,918magnoliaLibrary which makes it really easy to access your ma.gnolia bookmarks
5989,84750,918jnunemaker-gripAttachment plugin for MongoMapper that uses GridFS.
6093,44291,437statwhoredescription of gem
6195,13991,437qu-railsRails integration for qu
6297,39337,467adapter-riakAdapter for riak
63106,13591,437twirlWrapper for kjess that works with multiple kestrel instances intelligently.
64113,58691,437wufoosimple wrapper for the wufoo api
65120,71550,918jnunemaker-rack-gridfsRack middleware for creating HTTP endpoints for files stored in MongoDB's GridFS
66128,92937,467agProducers, consumers, connections and timelines.
67168,56950,918flipper-cache-storeActiveSupport::Cache::Store adapter for Flipper